See It Through Charities is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
We have three initiatives across our foundation that is the center of our fundraising efforts throughout the year. Our Omega Gents mentoring program, STEM, and Scholarships are the foundation and focus of our organization.
We view education as the key to current and future success. We recognize the importance of education as the foundation for future success. Since 2018, we have awarded a total of $145,400 in scholarship funds. We believe in uplifting students for their challenging work by rewarding them with our Calvin Golden, Eddie B. Freeman, Merit-based and Omega Gents scholarships.
2025 Scholarships Announcement
Deadline date for application submission February 28th, 2025.
Applicants can receive an award based on the highest overall application scores. The recipients of this scholarship will be determined by the academic, social, and civil credentials of each eligible applicant and the relative ranking to other applicants. These awards will only be paid upon proof of enrollment in an accredited 4-year college or university.
High school senior in Dallas/ Fort Worth Metroplex meeting these qualifications:
☐ Must be accepted to an accredited 4-year college/university
☐ Must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent)
☐ Must be an African American U. S. citizen living in the DFW Metroplex area
☐ Must be available for a personal or phone interview with the selection committee, if needed
☐ Current photograph of applicant. If a scholarship is awarded, photos will be used in local publicity material
☐ Official application form (completed)
☐ Official high school transcript (MUST include the school’s seal)
☐ Proof of community service hours within last 2 years.
☐ Proof of SAT/ACT score (can be included on transcript)
☐ Letter of recommendation from school administrator (principal, counselor, teacher, coach)
☐ Copy of admission letter to an accredited 4-year college/university
Completed application package must be postmarked by February 28th, 2025 (please make sure the correct amount of postage is used) or submitted electronically below on this page. All high school transcripts are to be sent sealed and via mail.
If you have questions please contact Jonathan Forna at